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[HELPED] Retrieving additional parameters on dropdown list when calling RPG

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  • [HELPED] Retrieving additional parameters on dropdown list when calling RPG


    Is it possible to retrieve additional parameters from a dropdown list when calling a RPG program?

    For example, I would like to retrieve a list the the drop down of "package descriptions" a "packages code" and a "package cycle value".

    I am successfully using "VVREC" and "VVVALUE" to retrieve the code and description, but do not know what to use to pass the cycle value.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • #2
    If you include other fields in your store, you can access them. A good time to do this is on the select listener which will pass you parameters of the combo, the selected record and other things.


    • #3
      In the ILE, I am successfully passing the VVREC and VVVLAUE for the description and code using the following below, however what do I use to pass the cycle I require?

      comboDS(cnt).vvrec=%trim(PackageListDS.PackageList (cnt).Description);
      comboDS(cnt).vvvalue=%trim(PackageListDS.PackageLi st(cnt).PackageCode);


      • #4
        Either create a different data structure to hold your data or send the data back using a sql statement via vvOut_execSqlToJson.


        • #5
          Last edited by SASIT; 11-13-2013, 03:40 PM.


          • #6
            Do you really want vvrec and vvvalue to be graphic fields?


            • #7
              Not particularly. This was based on the dds (vvgends1) and code provided in the Valence examples. This works fine until I and the additional field definition of VVCYCLE


              • #8
                Maybe post the source for the combo...


                • #9
                  Here is the source of the combo and form. Ideally I want to be able to select a "Coverage Type" from the drop down (displaying VVREC). once selected use the VVCYCLE value to increment the EndDate on the form by x months.

                  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
                  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
                  <meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright 2008-2012 CNX Corporation, All Rights Reserved">
                  <title>BVS New Vehicle.</title>
                  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/extjs4/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
                  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vvresources/valence.css" />
                  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/html/AA/assets/style.css" />
                  <script type="text/javascript" src="/extjs4/ext-all.js"></script>
                  <script type="text/javascript" src="/vvresources/valence-extjs4.js"></script>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  // Ext.onReady delays execution until page is fully loaded into memory
                  Ext.onReady(function() {  
                   // Define the models for our stores
                      globalVarCustomer = '0777269';
                   // Define the models for our stores
                          extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
                  		fields: [{
                  			name: 'VVREC',
                  			type: 'string'
                      		name: 'VVVALUE',
                  			type: 'string'
                          	name: 'VVCYCLE',
                  			type: 'string'
                  	var cuspackageStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',{
                      	model : 'cuspackage',
                  		proxy : {
                  			type : 'ajax',
                  			url  : 'vvcall.pgm',
                  			extraParams : {
                  				pgm: 'BVSNEWVH',
                  				action: 'getCusPackagesList',
                                  cusno: globalVarCustomer
                  			reader : {
                  				type : 'json',
                  				root : 'VVGENDS1'
                      var formMain = Ext.create('Ext.form.FormPanel', {
                      	renderTo: 'formMain',
                  		width: 550,
                  		frame: true,
                  		bodyPadding: 10,
                  		iconCls: 'application_view_detail',
                  		title: 'Test form',
                  		defaults: {
                  			xtype: 'textfield',
                              enforceMaxLength: true,
                  			labelAlign: 'right',
                  			labelWidth: 110,
                  			width: 500
                  		items: [{
                  			xtype: 'displayfield',
                  			itemId: 'MSG',
                              fieldLabel: ':',
                  			msgTarget: 'under'
                          	xtype: 'textfield',
                  			id: 'REGO',
                  			fieldLabel: 'Registration',
                  			maxLength: 6,
                              fieldStyle: 'text-transform:uppercase'
                      		xtype: 'textfield',
                  			id: 'MAKE',
                  			fieldLabel: 'Make',
                  			maxLength: 10
                      		xtype: 'textfield',
                  			id: 'MODEL',
                  			fieldLabel: 'Model',
                  			maxLength: 10
                          	xtype: 'textfield',
                  			id: 'DRIVER',
                  			fieldLabel: 'Drivers name',
                  			maxLength: 30
                  		}, {
                              xtype: 'combo',
                  			id: 'CUSPACKAGE',
                  			fieldLabel: 'Coverage Type',
                              emptyText:'Select coverage type',
                              valueField: 'VVVALUE',
                              editable: false,
                  		}, {
                           xtype: 'datefield',
                          anchor: '75%',
                          fieldLabel: 'Start Date',
                          id: 'STARTDATE',
                          format: 'd/m/Y',
                          value: new Date()   // defaults to today
                      }, {
                          xtype: 'datefield',
                          anchor: '75%',
                          fieldLabel: 'End Date',
                          id: 'ENDDATE',
                          format: 'd/m/Y',
                          minValue: new Date(),
                          value: Ext.Date.add (new Date(),Ext.Date.MONTH,12)
                              xtype: 'textfield',
                  			id: 'VIN',
                  			fieldLabel: 'VIN #',
                  			maxLength: 20
                  		} ],
                  		buttons: [{
                  			text: 'Load',
                  			iconCls: 'accept',
                  			handler: function() {
                  	// the following function will call an RPG program when user clicks "Go" or presses the ENTER key
                  <div style="margin-left: auto ; margin-right: auto ; width:550px">
                    	<td><br><div id="formMain"></div></td>
                  Last edited by robert.swanson; 11-18-2013, 01:58 PM. Reason: add #CODE tags


                  • #10
                    Nothing stands out to me...although I would change your data structure from graphic to character. Graphic fields must be "decoded" by the front-end via Valence.util.decodeUTF16.


                    • #11
                      Still no luck. Can you advise, do I need to change the reference below if the data structure is changed? What does this definition refer to?

                      reader : {
                      type : 'json',
                      root : 'VVGENDS1'


                      • #12

                        If your already passing VVCYCLE then you could grab it from the record on the front-end via the select listener off the combo.

                        Below is a quick example

                        // The data store containing the list of states
                        var states = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
                            fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC', 'VVCYCLE'],
                            data : [
                                {"VVVALUE":"AL", "VVREC":"Alabama", "VVCYCLE":"Test Cycle"},
                                {"VVVALUE":"AK", "VVREC":"Alaska", "VVCYCLE":"Test Cycle 2"},
                                {"VVVALUE":"AZ", "VVREC":"Arizona", "VVCYCLE":"Test Cycle 3"}
                        // Create the combo box, attached to the states data store
                        Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
                            fieldLabel: 'Choose State',
                            store: states,
                            queryMode: 'local',
                            displayField: 'VVREC',
                            valueField: 'VVVALUE',
                            renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                            listeners : {
                                scope  : this,
                                select : function(cmp, recs){
                                    var vvCycle = recs[0].get('VVCYCLE');
                                    //after user selects a record on the combo pull the 
                                    // VVCYCLE value and display it in the console


                        • #13
                          Thanks Johnny.

                          Next question. I am now getting VVCYCLE back and would like to do the following?

                          - When a COVERAGE TYPE has been selected (which has the hidden VVCYCLE value) .....

                          - Increment the ENDDATE field by the VVCYCLE value in months from the STARTDATE (which defaults to the current date)
                          - If the STARTDATE is changed, then update the ENDDATE accordingly as above

                          Any help would be appricated. Have pasted my current code below *****

                          <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
                          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
                          <meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright 2008-2012 CNX Corporation, All Rights Reserved">
                          <title>BVS New Vehicle.</title>
                          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/extjs4/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
                          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vvresources/valence.css" />
                          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/html/AA/assets/style.css" />
                          <script type="text/javascript" src="/extjs4/ext-all.js"></script>
                          <script type="text/javascript" src="/vvresources/valence-extjs4.js"></script>
                          <script type="text/javascript">
                          // Ext.onReady delays execution until page is fully loaded into memory
                          Ext.onReady(function() {  
                           // Define the models for our stores
                              globalVarCustomer = '0777269';
                           // Define the models for our stores
                                  extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
                              	fields: [{
                          			name: 'VVREC',
                          			type: 'string'
                              		name: 'VVVALUE',
                          			type: 'string'
                                  	name: 'VVCYCLE',
                          			type: 'string'
                          	var cuspackageStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store',{
                              	model : 'cuspackage',
                          		proxy : {
                          			type : 'ajax',
                          			url  : 'vvcall.pgm',
                          			extraParams : {
                          				pgm: 'BVSNEWVH',
                          				action: 'getCusPackagesList',
                                          cusno: globalVarCustomer
                          			reader : {
                          				type : 'json',
                          				root : 'COMBODS'
                              var formMain = Ext.create('Ext.form.FormPanel', {
                              	renderTo: 'formMain',
                          		width: 550,
                          		frame: true,
                          		bodyPadding: 10,
                          		iconCls: 'application_view_detail',
                          		title: 'TEST Form',
                          		defaults: {
                          			xtype: 'textfield',
                                      enforceMaxLength: true,
                          			labelAlign: 'right',
                          			labelWidth: 110,
                          			width: 500
                          		items: [{
                          			xtype: 'displayfield',
                          			itemId: 'MSG',
                                      fieldLabel: ':',
                          			msgTarget: 'under'
                                  	xtype: 'textfield',
                          			id: 'REGO',
                          			fieldLabel: 'Registration',
                          			maxLength: 6,
                                      fieldStyle: 'text-transform:uppercase'
                              		xtype: 'textfield',
                          			id: 'MAKE',
                          			fieldLabel: 'Make',
                          			maxLength: 10
                              		xtype: 'textfield',
                          			id: 'MODEL',
                          			fieldLabel: 'Model',
                          			maxLength: 10
                                  	xtype: 'textfield',
                          			id: 'DRIVER',
                          			fieldLabel: 'Drivers name',
                          			maxLength: 30
                          		}, {
                                      xtype: 'combo',
                          			id: 'CUSPACKAGE',
                          			fieldLabel: 'Coverage Type',
                                      emptyText:'Select coverage type',
                                      valueField: 'VVVALUE',
                                      editable: false,
                          		}, {
                                   xtype: 'datefield',
                                  anchor: '75%',
                                  fieldLabel: 'Start Date',
                                  id: 'STARTDATE',
                                  format: 'd/m/Y',
                                  value: new Date()   // defaults to today
                              }, {
                                  xtype: 'datefield',
                                  anchor: '75%',
                                  fieldLabel: 'End Date',
                                  id: 'ENDDATE',
                                  format: 'd/m/Y',
                                  minValue: new Date(),
                                  value: Ext.Date.add (new Date(),Ext.Date.MONTH,12)
                                      xtype: 'textfield',
                          			id: 'VIN',
                          			fieldLabel: 'VIN #',
                          			maxLength: 20
                          		} ],
                          		buttons: [{
                          			text: 'Load',
                          			iconCls: 'accept',
                          			handler: function() {
                          	// the following function will call an RPG program when user clicks "Go" or presses the ENTER key
                          	var getCustomerRecord = function() {
                          			url: 'vvcall.pgm',
                          			params: {
                          				pgm: 'bvsnewvh',
                          				action: 'crtBVSNewVehicle',
                          				cusno: globalVarCustomer,
                                          cuspackage: formMain.getComponent('CUSPACKAGE').getValue(),
                                          rego: formMain.getComponent('REGO').getValue(),
                                          vin: formMain.getComponent('VIN').getValue(),
                                          make: formMain.getComponent('MAKE').getValue(),
                                          model: formMain.getComponent('MODEL').getValue(),
                                          driver: formMain.getComponent('DRIVER').getValue(),
                                          branch: '001',
                                          user: Valence.util.getUserName(),
                                          startdate: formMain.getComponent('STARTDATE').getValue(),
                                          enddate: formMain.getComponent('ENDDATE').getValue()
                          			success: function(response) {
                          				var data = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
                          				if (data.SUCCESS == '1') {
                                              Ext.Msg.alert(' added successfully...');
                          				} else {
                          <div style="margin-left: auto ; margin-right: auto ; width:550px">
                                 <img id="logo"  alt="" src="/html/AA/assets/NewVehicleBanner.jpg"></img>
                            <hr width="100%"> 
                            <td><p>TEST FORM</p></td>
                            	<td><br><div id="formMain"></div></td>
                          <table >
                              <hr width="100%"> 
                            <td colspan="3"></td>
                            <td colspan="2"></td>
                          Last edited by robert.swanson; 11-19-2013, 05:45 PM. Reason: add #CODE tags


                          • #14
                            Here is an example of what I think your asking for.

                                var cuspackageStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
                                    fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC', 'VVCYCLE'],
                                    data : [
                                        {"VVVALUE":"1", "VVREC":"Type 1", "VVCYCLE":8},
                                        {"VVVALUE":"2", "VVREC":"Type 2", "VVCYCLE":10},
                                        {"VVVALUE":"3", "VVREC":"Type 3", "VVCYCLE":5}
                                Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
                                    title       : 'Simple Form',
                                    itemId      : 'simpleform',
                                    bodyPadding : 5,
                                    width       : 350,
                                    layout      : 'anchor',
                                    defaults    : {
                                        anchor: '100%'
                                    defaultType : 'datefield',
                                    items       : [{
                                        fieldLabel : 'Start Date',
                                        itemId     : 'startdate',
                                        allowBlank : false,
                                        format     : 'd/m/Y',
                                        value      : new Date(),
                                        listeners  : {
                                            scope  : this,
                                            change : function(cmp, newValue){
                                                if (!Ext.isEmpty(newValue)){
                                                    var coverageType = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#coveragetype')[0],
                                                        startDate    = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#startdate')[0],
                                                        endDate      = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#enddate')[0],
                                                    rec = coverageType.findRecord('VVVALUE', coverageType.getValue());
                                                    if (rec){
                                                        vvCycle = rec.get('VVCYCLE');
                                                        endDate.setValue(Ext.Date.add(newValue, Ext.Date.MONTH, vvCycle));
                                        fieldLabel : 'End Date',
                                        itemId     : 'enddate',
                                        format     : 'd/m/Y',
                                        minValue   : new Date(),
                                        value      : Ext.Date.add(new Date(), Ext.Date.MONTH, 12)
                                        xtype          : 'combo',
                                        itemId         : 'coveragetype',
                                        fieldLabel     : 'Coverage Type',
                                        emptyText      : 'Select coverage type',
                                        forceSelection : true,
                                        displayField   : 'VVREC',
                                        valueField     : 'VVVALUE',
                                        editable       : false,
                                        store          : cuspackageStore,
                                        listeners      : {
                                            scope  : this,
                                            select : function(cmp, recs){
                                                var vvCycle   = recs[0].get('VVCYCLE'),
                                                    startDate = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#startdate')[0],
                                                    endDate   = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#enddate')[0];
                                                //after user selects a record on the combo pull the 
                                                // VVCYCLE value update the end date
                                                if (!Ext.isEmpty(vvCycle)){
                                                    endDate.setValue(Ext.Date.add(startDate.getValue(), Ext.Date.MONTH, vvCycle));
                                                    console.log('vvCycle amout : ', vvCycle);
                                    renderTo           : Ext.getBody()
                            Example via jsfiddle


                            PS - When posting code if you could wrap it with the [CODE] tags that would help with the formatting and make it easier for others to read.
                            Last edited by Johnny Major; 11-19-2013, 06:32 PM. Reason: Forgot the change of start date updating end date;


                            • #15
                              That's exactly what I need Johnny, perfect!!! Thanks for all your help.

                              p.s. Cheers for the tip of the [code] tag too

