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[HELPED] Combo on toolbar will not reload after first success

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  • [HELPED] Combo on toolbar will not reload after first success

    I have two grids. I have a combo on the toolbar of second grid. I select a row from the first grid which send me to the second grid. All the data loads fine. I click the toolbar dropdown arrow on the toolbar second grid and it loads the values correctly. I complete the work on the second grid and go back to the first grid. I select another row on the first grid and go to the second grid.

    My problem: When I select the toolbar dropdown arrow on the second grid, the values are not loaded. Furthermore, the values are not reloaded on any subsequent attempts.

    I've debugged the back-end program and it is being called and the data is being correctly supplied when the arrow is clicked. I've tried autoLoad:false and any number of other "googled" solutions. My guess is it's something simple, but I cannot figure it out.

    Below is the code for the combo and the store. Any help would be appreciated.

    xtype: 'combo',
    id: 'DYXXRNID2',
    fieldLabel: 'Run ID',
    displayField: 'STDESC',
    triggerAction: 'all',
    valueField: 'STDESC',
    editable: false,
    store: dsDropDown05,
    mode: 'remote',
    width: 200,
    selectOnFocus: true
    var dsDropDown05 = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
        	autoLoad: true,
        	url: 'vvcall.pgm',
        	remoteSort: true,
        	root: 'DSROOT05',
        	fields: [	'DYXXRNID',
        	listeners: {
        		beforeload: function() {
        			this.baseParams = {
        				pgm: 'XXGR206',
    					action: 'getDailyRuns',
    					limit: 35,
    					start: 0

  • #2
    Can you include the code that does the actions of loading the second grid and combo store?


    • #3
      Here's the code.

      //***  Edit Window 2
       	var fnDetailsGrid = function(strDYXXRNID,DYXXRSBN) 
      		var strIconCls = 'lorry_go';
      		var strDYXXRNID2 = currentRecord.get('DYXXRNID2');
      		var strDYXXRNID = currentRecord.get('DYXXRNID');
      		var strSTDESC= currentRecord.get('STDESC');
      		var strDYXXRSBN = currentRecord.get('DYXXRSBN');
      		var strDYXXDRVI = currentRecord.get('DYXXDRVI');
      		var strDYXXTRCI = currentRecord.get('DYXXTRCI');
      		var strDYXXTRLI = currentRecord.get('DYXXTRLI');
      		// update record in database
      		var updateRec = function(record) { 
      				url: 'vvcall.pgm', 
      				params: { 
      					pgm: 'XXGR206', 
      					action: 'moveOrders', 
      					DYXXRNID2: Ext.getCmp('DYXXRNID2').getValue(),
      					DYXXRNID: strDYXXRNID, 
      					DYXXRSBN: strDYXXRSBN, 
      					DYXXDRVI: strDYXXDRVI,
      					DYXXTRCI: strDYXXTRCI,
      					DYXXTRLI: strDYXXTRLI
      				success: function(response) {
      					var check = response.responseText;
      					if (check) {
      						var data = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
      						if (data.SUCCESS=='1') {
      						} else {
      							vvShowError('ERROR OCCURED', 'Received a negative response from the server when attempting to update a record.');
      					} else {
      						vvShowError('ERROR OCCURED', 'Received a null response from the server when attempting to update a record.');
      				failure: function(){
      					vvShowError('ERROR OCCURED', 'Received a failure response from the server when attempting to update a record.');
      	    // Process the saves / moves
      		var fnMoveProcess = function(){
      		   Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm Move of orders' 
      			 , 	'Are you sure you want to Move the selected orders?'  
      			function(btn, text) {
      			   // if yes was pressed, then update selected records
      			  if (btn == 'yes') {
      				  Ext.getBody().mask('<B>Moving Orders...<\/B>', 'x-msg-loading') ;
      				  Ext.getCmp('buttonMove').disable() ;
      				  //var sel = ccRelease.getSelections() ;
      				  var modifiedrecords = gridGrid02.getStore().getModifiedRecords();
      				  Ext.each (modifiedrecords,
      				  function(r) {
      					if (r.get('CCMOVE') == true)					
      						console.log(DYXXRNID2) ;
      						ggCCMOVE = r.get('CCMOVE'); 
      						updateRec(r) ;
      						countSelected = 0 ;
      		// custom column plugin example
      		var ccMove = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
      		   header: "Move?",
      		   id: 'CCMOVE',
      		   dataIndex: 'CCMOVE',
      		   align: 'center',
      		   width: 50
      		// hide windowTruckDtl
      		var fnHideOrders = function() 
      			countSelected = 0 ;
      			console.log('fnHideOrders-Cancel') ;
      		// enable or disable button btnTruckDtlProcess 
      		var fnMoveBtnDtlProcess = function()
      			dsStore02.each(function(r, rowIndex)
      				// at lease one check box must be seleted to enable process button
      				if (r.get('CCMOVE') == true) 
      		// the column model has information about grid columns
      		// dataIndex maps the column to the specific data field in
      		// the data store (created below)
      		var cmColumn02 = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{
      		header: "<b>Customer</b>",
      	  	sortable: false,
      	  	width: 175,
      	  	align: 'left',
      	  	dataIndex: 'OHNAME',
      		renderer: function(val, meta, record)
      		 return  record.data.OHNAME  +
      		 '</br><big>' + record.data.XXADR4 + '</big>' ;
      	},  {
      	    header: "<b>Order</br>Number</b>",
      		sortable: false,
      		width: 75,
      		align: 'center',
      		dataIndex: 'SLORNO',
      		renderer: function(val, meta, record)
      		 return  '<big>' + record.data.SLORNO + '</big>' ;
      //***  Run Details Data Store
      		var dsStore02 = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
      			autoLoad: true,
      			url: 'vvcall.pgm',
      			remoteSort: true,
      			root: 'DSROOT02',
      			totalProperty: "totalCount",
      			fields: ['DYXXRNID',
      			listeners: { 
      				beforeload: function() { 
      					this.baseParams = { 
      						pgm: 'XXGR206', 
      						action: 'getRecs02', 
      						limit: 125, 
      						start: 0 
      				load: function() 
      //***  Available Runs Data Store for Dropdown
      	var dsDropDown05 = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
          	autoLoad: false,
          	url: 'vvcall.pgm',
          	remoteSort: true,
          	root: 'DSROOT05',
          	//totalProperty: "totalCount",
          	fields: [	'DYXXRNID',
          	listeners: {
          		beforeload: function() {
          			this.baseParams = {
          				pgm: 'XXGR206',
      					action: 'getDailyRuns',
      					limit: 35,
      					start: 0
      // Run Details Grid
      		var gridGrid02 = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ 
      			region: 'center', 
      			stripeRows: true,
      			autoScroll: true, 
      			title: 'Run Details', 
      			header: false, 
      			loadMask: true, 
      			store: dsStore02, 
      			cm: cmColumn02, 
      			tbar: [
      			xtype: 'button',
      			id: 'buttonMove',
      			text: 'Move',
      			//disabled: true,
      			iconCls: 'save',
      			handler: fnMoveProcess
      			id: 'btnOrderCancel',
      			xtype: 'tbbutton',
      			text: 'Cancel',
      			tooltip: 'cancel',
      			iconCls: 'cancel',
      			handler: fnHideOrders
      			}, {
      			xtype: 'tbspacer',
      			width: 10
      		}, {
      			xtype: 'tbtext',
      			text: 'Move to Run'
      		}, {
      			xtype: 'combo',
          		id: 'DYXXRNID2',
          		fieldLabel: 'Run ID',
      			displayField: 'STDESC',
      			triggerAction: 'all',
      			valueField: 'STDESC',
      			editable: false,
      			store: dsDropDown05,
      			mode: 'remote',
          		width: 200,
          		selectOnFocus: true
      		gridGrid02.on('afterEdit', function(e) {
      			var strGrid = e.grid;
      			var recRecord = e.record;
      			var strField = e.field;
      			var strValue = e.value;
      			var strOValue = e.originalValue;
      			var strRow = e.row;
      			var strColumn = e.column;
      			fnMoveBtnDtlProcess() ;
      		var north02 = new Ext.Panel
      		frame: true,
      		region: 'north',
      		html: '<table border="0" style="font-family:helvetica,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;margin-left:10px;"><tr><td><br>' +
      		  'Run: &nbsp' + strSTDESC   
      		+ '&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp' + strDYXXRNID + '</br>' 
      		+ 'Run Sub: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp' + strDYXXRSBN 
      		//+ '&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Weight: &nbsp &nbsp' + strWeight 
      		//+ '&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp' 
      		//+ 'Total List: &nbsp &nbsp' + CurrencyFormatted(strList) 
      		+ '<br> </br>' 
      		+ '</td></tr>' 
      		var windowWindow02 = new Ext.Window
      		closeAction: 'hide',
      		iconCls: strIconCls,
      		height: 750,
      		width: 450,
      		items: [gridGrid02, north02],
      		border: false,
      		title: 'Run Details',
      		layout: 'border',
      		keys:	[{
      			key: Ext.EventObject.ENTER,
      				fn: function(){}
      				}, {
      			key: Ext.EventObject.ESC,
      			fn: fnHideOrders
      		// set show listener on window (we set this for window positioning after render so that window does not flash at startup)
      		windowWindow02.on("show", function() 
      		// set hide listener on window
      		windowWindow02.on("hide", function() 
      //***  End of Edit Window 2


      • #4
        I glanced at your code and don't see where it would be doing the actions you described in your initial post. I don't see where you are loading dsdropdown05...
        Last edited by sean.lanktree; 05-23-2013, 03:49 PM.


        • #5
          Near the very bottom windowWindow02.show();


          • #6
            I believe the answer is that the Store is only loaded when the dropdown list is first displayed. There may be a possibility of overriding the triggerAction, but I'm not experienced enough with ExtJS to do that.

            In any case, you can close this as I'm going to try another solution.


            • #7
              If you want, you can add a 'beforeshow' event on the window, and load the store then. Or explicitly load the store before calling windowWindow02.show()


              • #8
                Thanks. I'll try that.

