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  • Valence.plugin.PagingToolbarSlider()

    Valence.plugin.PagingToolbarSlider() is a beautiful thing. However, in cases when you want to use a groupSummary feature so that you can get a grand total of a column in a grid to display, it appears you loose that functionality. Several other methods seem to not work as well. For examples getting a total count of records in a store by using something like

    var numberOfStoreRecords = this.getStore('Mystore').count();
    var numberOfStoreRecords = this.getStore('Mystore').getCount();
    var numberOfStoreRecords = this.getStore('Mystore').getTotalcount();

    always returns Zero. I found this out by turning of the paging toolbar slider and then WhaLa.. I got the correct number of records in the store.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this problem?

  • #2
    I've never heard of this occurring before, but that doesn't make it impossible.

    There's a lot of people who read this forum who would love to help you (with a lot of your posts, I'm sure) but you really aren't including enough information.

    It is possible you uncovered a bug, but also possible that your rootName is incorrect, or there is a timing issue and your store hasn't actually loaded when this occurred. If this was my code, I'd also first investigate a few trivial things like is my ajax call really working?

    Based on what you said though, it seems like these things all worked until you added the valence plugin for paging slider. So I'd double check how my store is defined for that one as well, and then if all seemed correct, I'd try to see about replacing the Valence slider with the Ext version of the slider. If it is still causing the issues, I may post a Sencha bug report, but I would certainly try to include enough information that other people could recreate it or see my issues in more detail.


    • #3
      Actually, I didn't add the grouping feature until everything was working properly. The Valence paging slider has always worked great and it does makes sense that the grouping summary total only displays a total for what's on the screen at that time. You are welcome to logon and take a look. I'll email you what you need to see what I'm talking about.


      • #4
        I am having the same problem now. Here is my code below and I have a basic grid that has loaded properly with the valence paging toolbar but never got the grouping summary to work. (see below the grouping summary) I am not real slick with JavaScript so i may have a typo or syntax problem.

        Thanks, Randy Mayner

        Ext.define('Weboe.view.OrderListSql', {
        extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
        alias: 'widget.orderlistsql',
        forceFit: true,
        store: 'Orderssql',
        features: [{
        columns: [{
        text: 'Sales',
        dataIndex: 'ORVAL',
        summaryType: 'sum'
        }, {
        text: 'freight',
        dataIndex: 'B1UF3',
        summaryType: 'sum'

        initComponent: function() {
        var me = this;
        Ext.apply(me, {
        store: 'Orderssql',
        columns: me.buildColumns(),
        dockedItems: me.buildDockedItems()



        • #5
          I have this working now. I added the code below to the store and that did the trick.

          extend : 'Ext.data.Store',
          model : 'Weboe.model.Ordersql',
          autoLoad : true,
          // buffered: true,
          // pageSize: 100,
          remoteSort : true,
          sorters: [{
          property: 'B1CDT',
          direction: 'DESC'
          groupField: 'B1CDT',
          fields : ['CMPNO','B1CUS','B1SHP','B1CPO','B1ORD','B1UE1','B 1CDT','B1SDT','B1SNM','C1TF1','B1OTP','B1UF3','ORV AL','B1TDT']


          • #6
            Totals don't show on grouping summary

            I misspoke on the thread as I can't seem to get the grouping summary to show the totals for the fields I defined to be summed. The grouping works but the totals don't show up on the summary line.


            • #7

              Can you post the complete grid view code? Also I suggest you use 'code' wrappers when posting your code, you can do that clicking on the '#' on your forum editor toolbar . It makes easier to read the code.


              • #8
                I'm sorry but I took the summary out and created a bar chart to show the totals.


