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Valence 6.0 (All Builds)

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20220209 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Pivot Grids: Corrected issue where grid would not always refresh on "load data" action specified in Behaviors
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue on Excel downloads where column headings overridden via app variables were not coming through as expected. Overrides at widget level take precedence.
    • NAB - Grids: Omit decimals on Yen-formatted columns (Japan)
    • NAB - Forms: Improved aesthetics on alignment of buttons adjacent to non-editable fields
    • NAB - URL Widgets: App variable link can now be used to append characters to base URL string
    • NAB - General: Corrected bug where app variables bound to "reset filter" function was not working properly
    • NAB - General: Improved interface for conveying errors in widget configuration upon pressing Save button
    • NAB - General: Corrected obscure issue where saving certain apps (typically ones containing multiple pop-ups with hide/show actions) could corrupt the app's configuration data
    • NAB - Back-end programs: All procedures accepting DB2 file/field names are now upper-casing the passed values to ensure proper action (refers to programs based on VVNABVAL and VVNABTMPL)
    • Fusion5250: Adjusted initialization routine to be more fault-tolerant of the VVFUSION data area being locked (i.e., due to a backup process, etc)
    • Portal Login (VVLOGIN): When using LDAP, ensure connection to LDAP server is disconnected after authentication
    • Portal (desktop): Added caps lock indicator icon to lock screen
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.
    Last edited by robert.swanson; 02-14-2022, 01:25 PM.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20220119 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Forms: Adjusted so apps will no longer call RPG helper programs on fields that have changed but are not valid
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Back-end validation programs based on EXNABVAL can now use SendError() to identify specific fields as being in error
    • NAB - Exports: Corrected issue where an app configured to launch itself would fail to export/import properly
    • NAB - Behaviors: Corrected issue where changes made to hide/show features were not "sticking"
    • RPG Toolkit - vvIn_Char: Improved performance of vvIn_char('*ALL'), which is used when logging query parameters passed to back-end
    • RPG Toolkit - vvOut_execSQLtoJSON: Added support for SQL functions that return decimal float values, such as TO_NUMBER()
    • RPG Toolkit - VVUPLOAD: Corrected issue that could cause uploads to fail when accompanied by more than 5K bytes of post parameters
    • RPG Toolkit - vvUtility_Parse: Corrected issue where a parse would fail on a field value exceeding 32K bytes
    • Fusion5250: Corrected issue with cursor positioning on pop-up windows
    • Portal - General: Corrected auto-login issue where incorrect user ID could be passed when previously logged in on same tab as a different user
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20211209 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • RemoteDB: Removed all log4j dependency used in conjunction with remote JDBC connections (.1 build)
    • Portal - General: Corrected issue where closing browser tab within 30 seconds of logging in could leave session active (.1 build)
    • Portal - General: Achieved a significant performance improvement across all apps through adjustments to CCSID conversion procedure in VVUTILITY (roughly 25% faster response times on most calls)
    • Portal - General: Added Danish to set of available translations
    • Portal - General: Corrected issue where current environment could not be changed when logged in via Kerberos
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Line Charts: Added new configuration to control line thickness
    • NAB - Charts: Added new configuration on Line and Area charts for setting marker colors
    • NAB - Charts: Added advanced tooltip functionality (see forum post)
    • NAB - Charts: Added ability to set appropriate UI options when transforming line/area to another format
    • NAB - Charts: Corrected issue on Line and Area charts where new marker configuration was not "sticking"
    • NAB - Charts: Corrected issue where min/max limits were not being obeyed
    • NAB - Data Sources: Corrected issue where trailing blanks would be added to data source name and description on save
    • NAB - Grids: Added ability to set the global search field via an App Variable
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Corrected issue where in-line row/cell editing was not listening for fired events
    • NAB - Pivot Grids: Corrected issue where widget would error out if an App Variable linked to the widget had a default value
    • NAB - Timelines: Corrected issue where newly introduced 'mask on load' configuration was not "sticking" when pulled up in designer
    • NAB - Filters: Added ability to set a user filter base on an App Variable
    • NAB - Events: Added console logging for monitoring all fired and listened-for events
    • NAB - Behaviors: Corrected issue in Hide/Show widgets where "Reset/Clear All Fields" and "Keep Data" options were not being saved (.1 build)
    • RPG Toolkit - vvIn_Date: Corrected issue where successful conversions of a specific date format (passed as 2nd parameter) were unnecessarily throwing exception messages into the error log
    • Fusion5250: Corrected issue where pushbutton fields (DDS PSHBTNFLD) were not returning proper button code to program when pressed
    • Fusion 5250: Corrected issue where a single-character input field located in the very last column of the screen (80 or 132) would not accept input
    • iAdmin App - Display Job: Corrected issue where activation group name in call stack was showing as blank
    • Errors App: Corrected issue where attempting to delete a single exception record from the main grid could fail under certain circumstances
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.
    Last edited by robert.swanson; 12-16-2021, 05:52 PM.

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  • richard.milone

    Valence Framework 6.0.20211111 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue on download to Excel (non legacy) wherein the "Allow copy of row data" setting would cause download to fail
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Adjusted in-line row editor so that all widgets on the page are no longer refreshed on each update
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Corrected issue where graphic fields could become corrupted on certain character sequences
    • NAB - Pivot Grids: Corrected issue where column headings could show incorrect characters due to UTF decoding
    • NAB - Behaviors: SetAppVar action now checks for feature name and aborts if not enabled
    • NAB - Buttons: Adjusted so double-clicking on a button does not fire event multiple times
    • NAB - Buttons: Button text can now be changed dynamically via a app variable
    • NAB - Charts: Area/Bar/Column/Line charts can now be transformed at run time via an app variable
    • NAB - Charts: Line and Area charts can now be configured to have their markers hidden, or hidden on mouse hover
    • NAB - Filters: Adjusted combo box (drop down) logic to accommodate values containing single quotes
    • NAB - Filters: Added the ability to reset filters with an app variable (see related forum post)
    • NAB - Line/Area Charts: Add UI option to hide the markers and hide marker on hover (see related forum post)
    • NAB - Maps: Corrected issue where fresh Valence trial installations were receiving a "Request Denied" error message from the Google Maps API
    • NAB - Tiles: Corrected issue where load mask was showing even though tile was configured not to show a load mask
    • NAB - Timelines: Added new "mask on load" configuration option
    • NAB - Data Sources: added additional subquery support to SQL parser
    • NAB - General: Adjusted app load process to significantly improve performance
    • NAB - General: Combo boxes can now be configured as "starts with" (previously was limited to "contains")
    • NAB - General: (Mobile-specific) Combo boxes configured as "clearable" will now show the "X" icon
    • NAB - General: Added ability to fire events from the back-end in EXNABVAL-based validation programs
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where FireEvent settings were sometimes not saving after being dragged to a new sequential position
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where load mask was not being removed when an app was launched as a new browser tab
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where an app containing nothing but pop-up windows could not be edited
    • Portal - Login: Minor cosmetic improvements to Caps Lock visual indicator
    • Portal - Login: After manually logging out of a Kerberos session, the login page is now shown (previously would log back in again immediately upon logging out)
    • Portal - General: Made minor adjustments to address issues caused by recent Chromium update (flickering windows, buttons requiring double clicks)
    • Portal - General: Removed fade-in/fade-out animation setting
    • Portal - General: Added "autoLock" parameter that can be used to disable session lock timer on specific apps
    • Portal - General: Corrected issue where apps that launch in "pop up" mode were not receiving events fired by another app
    • Portal Admin - Remote DB: Added optional connection parameters to be appended to the connection path
    • Portal Admin - Apps: Corrected issue where blank spaces were being appended to end of app name upon save (adjustment to vvOut_toJSON affecting graphic fields)
    • Fusion5250: Improved handling of screen refocusing when returning to Fusion session from another app
    • Fusion5250: Added support for special screen attribute characters sometimes added to the 5250 data stream in COBOL-compiled programs
    • RPG Toolkit - vvIn_JSON: Corrected issue originating in vvUtility_Parse where characters from the end of a prior field could "leak" into a subsequent field (specific to Graphic-type fields). This issue could impact column headings on recently saved NAB data sources.
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20211007 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • NAB - Behaviors: Corrected issue in Designer where Utility node could not be expanded or collapsed
    • NAB - Import/Export: Corrected issue where fire event entries were not being exported properly
    • NAB - Behaviors: Updated Launch App UI
    • NAB - Behaviors: When adding a button to a form, you can now specify that the button be placed adjacent to a specific field
    • NAB - Behaviors: Added Refresh & Primary utility action for forms
    • NAB - Behaviors: When launching an app, can now specify if app is closable by the user (otherwise can only be closed programmatically)
    • NAB - Behaviors: Added ability to conditionally hide/show grid menu buttons/icon column buttons & tile buttons (previously could only enable/disable)
    • NAB - Behaviors: Corrected issue where pop-up widget that already has a hard-coded title was not getting dynamically overridden as expected via the filter widget action
    • NAB - Behaviors: Corrected issue where event listeners intended to trigger calls to an RPG program were not working properly
    • NAB - Event Listener: Allow a fired event parameter to set the value for an App Variable
    • NAB - Forms: Added new "Rich Text Editor" option for character fields that are 512+ characters. Also available as a new field type on the "get more information" form prior to calling an RPG program
    • NAB - Forms: Field groups enhanced so you can configure fields to span multiple columns in a single row
    • NAB - Forms: Field label widths can now be explicitly set (in pixels)
    • NAB - Forms: Link to app variables now allows you to assign any values from the form widget's underlying data source, as opposed to just fields that are visible in the form widget
    • NAB - Forms: For Combo Boxes, adjusted to ensure setValue() is not applied until underlying data source has loaded
    • NAB - Form Helper program: Widget name is now passed from front-end if specified
    • NAB - Form Helper program: Added ability to fire events via new fireEvent() procedure
    • NAB - Startup program: Corrected issue where app variable values linked to URL parameters were showing blank
    • NAB - Startup program: Added ability to fire events via new fireEvent() procedure
    • NAB - EXNABBTN-based programs: Added ability to fire events via setResponse('fireEvent':'xxxx')
    • NAB - Filters: Fixed data source issue on filter transformed to combo/lookup (see related forum post here)
    • NAB - Grids: New feature to set Row Body using JavaScript (see related forum post here)
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where some graphic cells were not properly decoded on Excel downloads
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where download overrides were not being saved
    • NAB - Grids: Disallow "limit results" setting if paging is set to infinite scroll
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Now allows for icon columns to be enabled in conjunction with row editing
    • NAB - Export/Import: Changed name of exported save file to be current date plus a unique number, rather than based on the object ID. This is so exports from different instances that happen to have the same object ID don't step on each other.
    • NAB - Export/Import: App id is not being changed (when applicable) for event listeners
    • NAB - Export/Import: Corrected issue where incorrect app ID/name was being imported on listeners
    • NAB - Security: Corrected issue where feature names were not always saving when nested
    • NAB - General: Added new feature to conditionally hide grid row menu/icon column buttons and tile buttons (see related forum post here)
    • NAB - Genera: Fixed issue where app variables that are mapped to a URL param were not applied before calling the startup program
    • NAB - General: Fixed issue where user would be warned unnecessarily about pending changes about to be lost when cancelling out of an edit
    • NAB - General: Adjusted rendering so when all items on a toolbar are hidden, ensure the toolbar is completely hidden as well
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where firing an event would not work if no app variables were defined
    • RPG Toolkit - VVIN: Adjusted so that IBM's QzhbCgiParse API is no longer called whenever the back-end is seeking a query parameter that was not sent by the front-end. This change imparts a noticeable performance improvement for 7.3 systems running the latest TR, or that have applied PTF SI75459.
    • Portal Admin - Groups: Tiles now show number of users and apps belonging to group
    • Portal Admin - Apps: Corrected issue where copying or deleting a NAB app would not include fired events records
    • Portal - Login: If a user's password has expired, prompt for new password now clarifies the expiration condition
    • Portal - General: New setting added to Portal Admin > Settings to specify fade-in/fade-out animation duration for all apps
    • Portal - General: Corrected Valence.util.App.close to work on pop-up apps (applies to NAB as well)
    • Portal - General: When launching a popup window-type app, an optional parameter of "windowHeader=false" can now be specified to hide the window header
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.
    Last edited by robert.swanson; 11-30-2021, 11:31 AM.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210818 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:

    Note: It is recommended you recompile any NAB-based RPG programs that manipulate app variables after installing this build. Otherwise you may occasionally encounter status 414 errors on AJAX calls to these programs ("Request-URI Too Long").
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Grids: Added functionality so column labels can now be overridden using app variables
    • NAB - Grids: Added new configuration for icon columns so they can now be positioned (aligned) on the left-most or right-most side of the grid
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where generic searches would throw an SQL error on any calculated columns cast as graphic
    • NAB - Grids: Adjusted boolean values (true/false) to be passed as strings to external filter program, matching the way all other variables are passed
    • NAB - Grids: Added "Clear all data" as an option for grids on the hide/show section
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Corrected issue that was disabling download buttons unexpectedly (.1 build)
    • NAB - Forms: Added functionality so buttons can be added directly as standalone items, rather than on a toolbar
    • NAB - Forms: Added ability to hide a form field via an app variable
    • NAB - Forms: Corrected issue where the value of a field mapped to an app variable could sometimes be overridden based on the timing of an underlying store load
    • NAB - Buttons: Corrected issue where enabling a linked feature could cause an unexpected item to appear
    • NAB - Charts: Added app variable controls for hide/show tooltip, hide/show display values, hide/show specific series, change legend text
    • NAB - Pop-up Windows: Corrected issue where pop-up name was not being applied for use in scripts
    • NAB - Pop-up Windows: Corrected issue where "Disallow Select All" checkbox was being ignored in pop-up grids
    • NAB - URL Widget: Corrected issue where widget would reload even when configured in behaviors not to reload
    • NAB - Data Sources: Will now show a warning when column aliases are being auto-inserted for an SQL-based data source, as this could affect linked widgets
    • NAB - Data Sources: Corrected issue where adding a calculated column in the wizard could inadvertently alter the Order By section
    • NAB - Data Sources: Expanded table name limit for remote DBs to 50 characters (formerly 30)
    • NAB - Data Sources: Adjusted main list so pre-execution program names are now shown adjacent to the data source names (.1 build)
    • NAB - Data Sources: Adjusted to accommodate file objects with a null (hex '00') description, which would corrupt JSON response on attempt to extract file info (.1 build)
    • NAB - Call RPG Program: reworked UI for better aesthetics; now allows initial value for a prompt field to be set via an app variable, and allows for auto-select of first item in list for combo box prompts
    • NAB - Link to App Variables: reworked UI for better aesthetics; Adjusted to include multi-select combos
    • NAB - Startup Program: Corrected issue where app variable values were not available to GetAppVar() calls
    • NAB - Filter Exit Program (EXNABFLT): A response of {"success":true,"filter":false} will now cause all user-specified filters to be ignored, allowing for a pre-execution program on the data source to take over the filtering.
    • NAB - Initial Values Exit Program (EXNABIV): Now allows use of getAppVar()
    • NAB - Validation Exit Program (EXNABVAL): Increased max size of sendError() from 128 to 256 characters (.1 build)
    • NAB - General: Added app-to-app communication feature
    • NAB - General: Added option to change the date separator to any character
    • NAB - General: Corrected cosmetic issue in NAB Designer where buttons for app variables / security / behaviors were showing at times when they should be hidden
    • NAB - General: Added various cursor auto-focus improvements and expand-all/collapse-all functionality in the NAB Designer
    • NAB - General: Added ability to export apps / widgets / data sources directly to another instance, so it's no longer necessary to do an import action. Also adjusted widget save logic so it's no longer necessary to resave parent apps prior to export.
    • NAB - General: Adjusted VVEXPORT to be callable from a command line or in batch to export an app / widget / data source from one instance to another
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue in back-end configuration storage where blank spaces at ends of strings were sometimes being truncated
    • NAB - General: Warn user of unsaved changes if canceling out of editing an app or widget
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where "Link to App Variables" settings were not always sticking (.1 build)
    • File Editor: Adjusted to show a more elegant "not authorized" popup message is user attempts to open a file for which they lack sufficient authority
    • RemoteDB: Updated mySQL JDBC driver to 8.0.26
    • Portal Admin - Settings: Corrected issue where typing into any combo box listing Valence groups could alter the values on other group combo boxes
    • Portal Admin - Environments: Applied some UI improvements to the drag/drop functionality for libraries
    • Portal Admin - Categories: Enhanced so apps can be moved to a specific category via a click, in addition to the existing drag & drop functionality
    • Portal - Login: Added new functionality to inform user if caps lock is on when invalid password entered
    • Portal - Login: Added functionality to show user a special symbol inside the password field when Caps Lock is on (.1 build)
    • Portal - Login: Corrected issue in VVLOGIN program that was throwing an invalid hex character into VVERRLOG when attempting to use a non-existent template user ID (specified in Portal Admin > Settings > "Default user template")
    • Fusion5250: Corrected issue where a click could be misinterpreted as the start of a block copy rather than a cursor reposition (.1 build)
    • Fusion5250: Adjusted Valence theme so characters inside input fields do not get cut off (.1 build)
    • Examples - Valence Dashboard: Corrected issue where instance count KPI widget was looking for VALENCE52/VVINST file instead of VALENCE6/VVINST
    • Examples - Angular Grid: Corrected stylesheet issue that was causing list to not show (.1 build)
    • Errors app: After clearing all records, app now resets the next error ID back to 1
    • VVCHGOWNER: New utility program introduced to change owner of all core Valence objects to a different user ID (QSECOFR owns all objects by default)
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.
    Last edited by robert.swanson; 08-26-2021, 07:57 AM.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210708 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Grids: Date filters now use the same format as the column renderer, deferring to the global default format only when no renderer is specified.
    • NAB - Grids: Added option to disallow 'select all rows' on checkbox selector
    • NAB - Grids: Increased timeout on Excel/PDF downloads
    • NAB - Grids: Added support for downloading to .csv or .xml format
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where icon columns show in the wrong column position in some circumstances
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where row icon columns were not being disabled properly if a custom color had been applied to them
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where clicking just outside the boundary of an icon column could throw a console error
    • NAB - Grids: Adjusted default renderer for date columns to accommodate non-valid dates (previously was showing blank)
    • NAB - Pivot Grids: Adjusted to reset any app variables controlling expand/collapse function after change to grid state has been applied
    • NAB - Pivot Grids (mobile only): Corrected issue where applying cell colors would cause row to show as blank
    • NAB - Pivot Grids (mobile only): Adjusted logic to supersede auto-expand left/top axis to improve performance
    • NAB - Call RPG Program behavior: Added upper-case text to available parameter definitions
    • NAB - Call RPG Program behavior: Adjusted so that messages sent back from RPG program are not obscured by mask when triggered on a pop up window
    • NAB - Call RPG Program behavior: Corrected issue introduced in last build where prompt confirmation would not show if no app variables were linked for showing
    • NAB - File Uploads: Corrected issue where uploads were being corrupted with extra parameter data appended to the end
    • NAB - File Uploads: Corrected issue where not all app variables were being passed
    • NAB - Forms: Adjusted to ensure form helper (formRender) response action always takes place after store load
    • NAB - Lookups: Adjusted to handle calculated columns
    • NAB - General: Added ability for startup and button programs to change the app bar title
    • NAB - General: Designer now "locks" apps / widgets / data sources, so only one user at a time may be in edit mode on a particular NAB object
    • NAB - General: Added ability to export apps / widgets / data sources directly to another instance, so it's no longer necessary to do an import action.
    • NAB - General: Adjusted VVEXPORT to be callable from a command line or in batch to export an app / widget / data source from one instance to another
    • Portal - General: Corrected issue where Valence sessions were no longer being terminated when user closed browser tab
    • Nitro IFS Explorer: Added logic to "beautify" viewed XML files
    • App Usage app: Corrected issue that was causing the chart to not show any bars
    • Fusion5250: Added new setting in Portal Admin > Settings to disable logic that places proxy job cross-reference info into the PRTTXT value of the interactive session job
    • RPG Toolkit: vvOut_execSQLtoJSON: Improved logic for extracting record set count for SQL statements containing CTE(s) and a GROUP BY in the main SELECT clause
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210610 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • NAB - Forms: Added ability to handle multiple primary buttons when one is disabled/hidden
    • NAB - Charts: Corrected issue where chart clicks were not firing behavior actions properly
    • NAB - Popup windows: Corrected issue with disabling/enabling a feature attached to a button did not work correctly
    • NAB - Popup windows: Corrected issue where hiding a button via Hide/Show behavior was not being applied to buttons in popup windows
    • NAB - Behaviors: On RPG/URL call function, added ability to link app variables to fields in "Prompt for more info" window so they can be omitted/hidden. If all fields are hidden then no prompt will be shown to user.
    • NAB - Behaviors: Corrected issue where Hide/Show Widgets function would only show a widget's buttons if the behavior tree already had it expanded
    • NAB - Edit Grid: Added logic so that the "Add" window can include read-only variables initialized by app variables
    • NAB - Pivot Grid: Added new app variable-based controls (Collapse All, Collapse Columns, Collapse Rows, Expand All, Expand Columns, Expand Rows)
    • NAB - Pivot Grid: Corrected issue where columns and/or rows were sometimes not being auto expanded when specified to do so
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where row menu button feature name did not save
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added front-end validation of vvIn_Virtual() syntax
    • NAB - Mobile: Added state to mobile grid columns so a user's grid column adjustments will be remembered on subsequent launches
    • NAB - Mobile: Corrected issue where app variables values were not being set via the startup program
    • NAB - Mobile: Corrected issue where button hide/disable bindings was causing errors
    • NAB - General: Filters over date fields will no longer treat blank values as a desire to apply a null date (0001-01-01), in conjunction with "Apply if Not Blank/0" rule
    • NAB - General: Adjusted filter widget action's "Update Title" logic to work with custom filters
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue with filter validation programs not receiving the "to" side of Between-type filters
    • NAB - General: EXNABVAL program adjusted to accommodate HTML markup
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where a startup filter ("custom filter") was not saving in the NAB designer
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue with button focus UI
    • Fusion5250: Added logic to auto-recalculate the best default cursor position when position is not explicitly specified in the DDS
    • Portal Admin - Settings: Any change made to the Valence license key is now automatically propagated to all instances defined in Instance Manager
    • Instance Manager: Resolved issue introduced in prior build where copying or creating a new instance would fail
    • New column VVMASKD added to table VVAPPS. This is an enhancement for a forthcoming Valence Mobile app update.
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210511 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Data Sources: Adjusted widget filters to accommodate data sources built over long SQL table names
    • NAB - Data Sources: Increased maximum number of vvIn_Virtual() functions allowed in a single data source to 100 (formerly 20)
    • NAB - Data Sources: Corrected issue with vvIn_virtual not working properly with filter fields
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added support for CROSS JOIN LATERAL
    • NAB - Grids: Added ability to limit results, as you can already do in other widgets
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where Initial Value on a checkbox filter was not adhering to any overrides to the default of "true"
    • NAB - Grids: Widget now allows summaries of columns containing a summary function
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Corrected issue with infinite scroll not properly decoding graphic field data
    • NAB - Forms: Ensure simultaneous reload of combos and data source wait for all responses before setting form values; reload of combos via an app variable not working for mobile
    • NAB - KPI widget: Corrected issue with background color not rendering properly in mobile
    • NAB - Behaviors: Added ability to filter a widget on successful call of an RPG program from any area
    • NAB - Behaviors: Added ability to add a button to a vertical container (desktop only)
    • NAB - General: Added ability for apps to communicate with other running apps (new file introduced: VVQRY600)
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where adjustments to a widget's "Hide filters" section (found inside "Link to App Variables") were not sticking.
    • Portal - General: All front-end attempts to call a program that cannot be found are now trapped; Portal will pop up an error message rather than letting the CGI job go into a MSGW state.
    • Fusion5250: Fixed issue where terminal session could prematurely disconnect from server
    • Fusion5250: Adjusted proxy routine to reduce delay encountered before initial screen appears after launching the app (introduced in prior build)
    • Fusion5250: Improved rendering of graphical menus and pushbuttons
    • Fusion5250: Corrected issue where some pop-up windows in Japanese would not render properly under certain circumstances
    • Instance Manager: Adjusted instance update logic to prevent object lock conflicts with High Availability systems, which could result in a corrupted Valence instance
    • Installer: Corrected issue that would was causing a level check on VVMIGRATE display file
    • Installer: Adjusted update logic to prevent object lock conflicts with High Availability systems, which could result in a corrupted Valence instance
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210421 is now available.

    NOTE: All Nitro App Builder EXNABBTN-based RPG programs must be recompiled with this update.

    Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Charts: Added new app variable link for multi series charts called "seriesClickField"
    • NAB - Buttons: EXNABBTN-based programs now have access to all of an app's form and grid widgets in a single call
    • NAB - Forms: Form reset now available to EXNABBTN-based programs
    • NAB - Grids: Added option on global search to not make a back-end call for data (local data search)
    • NAB - Grids: Adjusted group column text to honor column font formatting
    • NAB - Grids: Allow clearing of all grid records (clearAllData) via EXNABBTN-based programs
    • NAB - Grids: Corrected issue where super large responses (1MB+) on grids containing column summary functions could result in truncated or invalid JSON response
    • NAB - Grids: Added summary rows to PDF/Excel download when applicable (previously only applied on group summaries)
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Added local data support, allowing developer to add "Save" button to apply edits/adds/deletes
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Allow hiding of the save/cancel buttons when auto update is set on
    • NAB - Edit Grids: In cell editing mode, fields flagged as in error by validation program will now retain their values and be highlighted in red
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Corrected the sorting of selected columns in edit grid widgets so selected columns are always on top (same as grid widgets)
    • NAB - Edit Grids: Corrected issue where Initial Value setting was not permitted on integer-type columns
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added support for START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses in SQL-based data sources
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added support for implied joins in WHERE clause for SQL-based data sources
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added logic for SQL-based data sources to recognize when file member has been overridden in an exit program and pull data accordingly
    • NAB - General: Added ability to hide specific filters via app variable(s)
    • NAB - General: Ensure any checkbox filters are applied on initial load when unchecked condition is applicable
    • NAB - General: Any widget filters transformed to a checkbox now show a checkbox for the Initial Value setting instead of an entry field
    • NAB - General: Added functionality to allow application and section level buttons to be positioned top/bottom/left/right
    • NAB - General: Allow widget name specified in app configuration to be used to reference popup widgets (used in scripting or back-end setWidget() calls)
    • NAB - General: File VVQRY400 is now populated with RPG program cross-reference info for all data Sources, widgets and apps
    • NAB - General: Added ability to condition RPG program confirmation text with an app variable
    • NAB - General: Corrected bug where a filtered widget's filter was dropped when users subsequently applied a secondary filter on the widget
    • NAB - General: Corrected cursor focus issue when entering in a custom filter
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue with vvIn_virtual and app variable replacement not working
    • NAB - General: Corrected issue where Initial Value filter field initial value did not allow entry on integer type columns
    • NAB - Import Process: added ability to turn off preview/confirmation mode; do not automatically close window after import; reload tag information after successful import;
    • Fusion5250: Added button to pull in 5250 hex stream for debugging purposes
    • Fusion5250: Fixed rendering issue where initial values on some fields in more complex screens would incorrectly show as blank
    • Fusion5250: Fixed problem with keyboard not recognizing German special characters
    • Fusion5250: Added hyperlink functionality (any screen text that starts with http://, https:// or www. is recognized as a hyperlink and becomes clickable)
    • Portal Login: Added max concurrent session override at user level, which is specified in Portal Admin > Users
    • Portal Login: Adjusted to reload Valence user record after call to exit program, in case exit program makes adjustments to VVUSERS
    • Portal Login: Corrected issue where exit program for overriding user profile template was receiving a blank user ID
    • Portal Login: Corrected issue where a disabled user logging in for the first time could trigger a MSGW condition
    • Portal Admin - Users: Prohibit user deletion if linked to a dev token
    • Portal Admin - Apps: Corrected issue with copying NAB apps
    • Portal - General: Applied several miscellaneous Internet Explorer rendering fixes
    • RPG Toolkit - vvMail: Additional adjustments for TLS 1.2 encryption to ensure TLS is not invoked in any way when encryption is set to *NONE
    • RPG Toolkit - vvJava: Corrected issue where specifying a JDK override via JAVA_HOME in Portal Admin > Settings would cause a Java error
    • RPG Toolkit - vvUtility_isFusionJob: New procedure for RPG programs to determine when interactive session is running in Valence/Fusion5250
    • RPG Toolkit - vvUtility_getValenceSetting: Corrected array overflow issue caused when total Portal Admin settings exceeded 200 records
    • RPG Toolkit - vvJson: JSON service program rebuilt with storage model *INHERIT (formerly *SNGLVL)
    • VVMIGRATE: Added option to do a limited migration (via F24 key)
    • VVMIGRATE: Added Autocode directories to migration routine
    • VVMIGRATE: Corrected issue with migration of VVERRHNDLR file
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210322 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Grids: Added ability to hide or show global search field via an app variable
    • NAB - Grids: Added ability in column format settings to wrap text within cells
    • NAB - Edit Grid: No longer auto-refreshes all widgets upon an update/delete/save. You can use Behaviors or App Variables instead to force individual widgets to refresh when needed.
    • NAB - Charts: Reverted logic to retain the order of records coming from data source (was previously reversing the sort sequence)
    • NAB - Data Sources: Adjusted vvIn_virtual to work in more areas of the SQL statement, including GROUP BY
    • NAB - General: Allow vertical drag & drop of color rules to change priorities
    • NAB - EXNABVAL template program: allow custom responses for ERR_ADD/ERR_EDIT/ERR_DELETE
    • NAB - allow buttons in behaviors to be saved without attaching any actions to them
    • NAB - Mobile Runner: Corrected issue where multiple grids with "resize columns" checked would not render
    • NAB - Mobile Runner: Corrected issue where grid row menus and icon columns would sometimes not function properly
    • Fusion5250: Miscellaneous adjustments to correct rendering issues on larger screens
    • RPG Toolkit - vvMail: Added support for TLS 1.2 encryption
    • RPG Toolkit - vvCode: Corrected issue that would cause columnModel logic to encounter an overflow error on SQL columns over 9999 chars. This would affect NAB data sources in preview panel.
    • Fusion5250: Fixed decoding issue where some input fields would not show their initial values
    • Fusion5250: Fixed decoding issue where some input and display fields would get overwritten by certain rare control codes
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210226 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Behaviors: Added ability to position widget buttons (top/bottom, left/right)
    • NAB - Behaviors: Added ability to hide and/or disable buttons via app variables
    • NAB: - Behaviors: corrected issue where button position is erroneously saving at bottom (.2 build)
    • NAB - Behaviors: corrected issue where button size is erroneously saving as medium (.2 build)
    • NAB - Grid Widget: Corrected issue with icon columns not showing defined color
    • NAB - Grid Widget: Adjusted logic so that grouping grids can be used in conjunction with data sources containing a WITH clause
    • NAB - Edit Grid: Allow for update/cancel button text to be changed when inline row editing is activated
    • NAB - Edit/Grid Widget: Allow for hiding/showing the Excel/PDF download buttons via app variables
    • NAB - Edit/Grid Widget: Allow page size to be a numeric value other than the defaults 25/50/100/250/500. Must be greater than 0 and less than 5000
    • NAB - Data Sources: Allow for SQL-based data sources to have vvIn_Virtual in the ORDER BY clause
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added support for LIMIT inside subqueries and WITH clauses
    • NAB - Data Sources: Added support for "within group(order by xxx)" on the listAgg SQL function (.1 build)
    • NAB - Data Sources: Improved default column sizing applied in preview window (.2 build)
    • NAB - Data Sources: Expanded maximum field size for vvIn_Virtual to 256 chars (VVDTA500.VVFLD - formerly 50 chars)
    • NAB - Fixed issue with missing data source column records (VVDTA300) encountered when importing from 5.2
    • NAB - Grid checkbox row options are now available in a popup.
    • NAB - vvIn_virtual was having issues with date fields in some circumstances
    • RPG Toolkit - vvJson_parse: expanded capacity for string retrieval (was truncating at 10000 chars). This addresses a truncation issue with NAB data sources built over extremely long SQL statements.
    • RPG Toolkit - vvOut_execSQLtoSS: adjusted to omit non Excel-friendly characters (hex 3F and hex FE) from being included in spreadsheet data. This would affect NAB downloads as well.
    • Fusion5250: Corrected issue with some input fields not displaying initial values properly
    • Fusion5250: Adjusted so that any user action inside a 5250 session updates the Valence session's last activity timestamp (.1 build)
    • App Usage: Corrected column sorting issue; corrected widget filtering issue in detail screen
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.
    Last edited by robert.swanson; 03-07-2021, 04:26 PM.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210125 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Form Widget: Added ability to set a minimum value on numeric fields
    • NAB - Added ability to change the color of a button
    • NAB - Helper Program: Added ability to pull in any application variable via vvIn_virtual() on all runtime calls
    • NAB - Apps: Corrected issue where exported NAB apps containing more than 50 widgets would not import properly.
    • NAB - Apps: Corrected issue that could sometimes cause an application to take an exceedingly long time to save.
    • NAB - Data Sources: Corrected parser issue that could cause an ORDER BY clause to be inadvertently lumped in with a GROUP BY or HAVING clause
    • NAB - Mobile: Corrected rendering issue with popups to properly resize when set to full screen
    • NAB - Mobile: Corrected issue with non-primary form buttons not being set to disabled when the form is invalid
    • NAB - Mobile: Corrected forms to properly handle disable/enable features from the form helper program
    • Valence Installer - Update routine no longer replaces favicon.ico
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone
    Valence Framework 6.0.20210119 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Data Sources: Added ability to pull in current user on a data source SQL statement via vvIn_char('vvUser')
    • NAB - Pivot Grid Widget: Added ability to control location of column sub-total and total
    • NAB - Pivot Grid Widget: Added ability to format left & top axis columns
    • NAB - Pivot Grid Widget: Fixed issue where export would not work while configuring the widget
    • NAB - Pivot Grid Widget: Fixed issue where the user configuration panel wasn't correctly showing top axis columns
    • NAB - Pivot Grid Widget: Fixed issue where aggregate shows as blank instead of zero when top axis is active and "Show Zero As Blank" is unchecked
    • NAB - Grid Widget: Removed hide/show option on menu and icon columns
    • NAB - Chart Widgets: Added ability to have multi line chart labels via the HTML line break element tag <br>
    • NAB - Chart Widgets: Adjusted to match sort sequence of Valence 5.2 charts
    • NAB - Chart Widgets: Added ability to download to excel for all charts excluding gauge
    • NAB - Line Chart Widget: Added "stepped" option
    • NAB - Column Chart Widget: Added ability to transform any additional series to a line or area
    • NAB - Widget Filters: Fixed default value max length when the column is numeric
    • NAB - Widget Filters: Fixed issue when transforming to a lookup over date columns
    • NAB - Form Widget: Adjusted mobile to support HTML markup in fields
    • NAB - SQL Data Sources: Fixed parsing issue when using cross join lateral table function with a UDF
    • Portal Admin - Users: Added ability to set or change user's default environment at next login
    • Fusion5250: Added support for graphical pushbuttons
    • Fusion5250: Added basic support for graphical scrollbar area on subfiles (will be further refined in a subsequent release)
    • Desktop Portal: Fixed issue with showing/hiding split screen when entering/exiting fullscreen mode via the browser
    • Desktop Portal: Adjusted to hide language options when multilingual feature is turned off in Portal Admin > Settings
    • Desktop Portal: Added ability to exit split screen mode by hitting the escape key
    • RPG Toolkit - vvIn_sorters: Corrected issue where JSON pointer exception would be thrown into job log unnecessarily
    • RPG Toolkit - vvOut_execSQLtoJSON: Corrected issue where an SQL statement containing VVIN_CHAR() could fail to return a correct result set count. This would affect NAB data sources too.
    • RPG Toolkit - error handler: Adjusted exit program call to support EXEXITPGM template, passing an exit mode of "ERROR_HANDLER"
    • VVMIGRATE - Corrected issue where active web service consumers were not migrating to new instance
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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  • richard.milone

    Valence Framework 6.0.20201222 is now available. Changes in this build since the previous release are:
    • Nitro App Builder (NAB) - Grid Widget: Added option to limit PDF or Excel download to selected rows only
    • NAB - Grid Widget: Added new feature to allow for overriding columns on Excel and/or PDF downloads
    • NAB - Grid Widget: Added ability to hide/show grid columns via app variables
    • NAB - Grid Widget: Corrected issue with app variable-based grid column hide/show not working if column name contains special character
    • NAB - Grid Widget (Mobile): Corrected issue that would prevent app from starting if grid had checkbox selection enabled
    • NAB - Edit Grid Widget: Added ability to auto-edit row based off RRN or row index
    • NAB - Charts: allow adjustment of font size/style on the series title, label title and legend text
    • NAB - Charts: Fixed issue where charts were not displaying series and/or label titles
    • NAB - Timeline Widget: Fixed issue that could throw a console error when applying a filter
    • NAB - RPG backend: Adjusted NAB template programs to send back true boolean values when calling SetAppVar
    • NAB - Startup behaviors: Corrected issue with feature ids not saving properly for any Startup actions
    • Instance Manager: Adjusted to restore DSPF/PRTF objects and core source code files in updated instances
    • Nitro iAdmin: Corrected issue where a user with insufficient authority would not see correlating error message
    • Portal: Added pound sign (#) to list of acceptable special characters for Valence password rules
    • Portal exit programs: Corrected the "app initialization" exit program to pass an vvExitMode value of 'VVCALL_INIT' instead of 'VVCALL0'
    • RPG Toolkit - error handler: Added option to call an exit program (new column in VVERRHNDLR). Watch for a future blog post on this.
    Go to https://secure.cnxcorp.com/downloads to download this release of Valence 6.

    Go to http://forums.cnxcorp.com/node/13172 for full release notes.

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