SUMMARY: In this session we covered practical use cases for events and event listeners, which can be fired from within your app or from another app for enhanced functionality.

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00:25 - The difference between local events and the events you can listen to from app to app
03:00 - Creating a simple data source grouping customers by the country
05:06 - Creating a grid based on the new data source - Customers grouped by country
05:50 - Creating an app with two sections and a grid included in each section
06:20 - Setting up a click event (with individual behavior) between two grids in the app. On click of a Country in one grid, orders for customers from that country should open
13:00 - Setting up the same event using local / pubic events instead of individual behaviors
14:50 - Creating an app variable
16:50 - Local Events vs Behaviors
20:44 - App Variables used in order to allow the user to filter different columns