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Stop event from firing

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  • Stop event from firing

    I have a grid using the rowediting plugin.
    Ext.define('WarehouseInventoryMaintenance.view.ItemCountGrid', {
    	extend : 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    	alias : 'widget.itemcountgrid',
    	header : false,
    	title : 'My Grid Panel',
    	store : 'Details',
    	emptyText : 'No Items Loaded To Display',
    	sortableColumns : false,
    	initComponent : function() {
    		var me = this;
    		Ext.applyIf(me, {
    			columns : [{
    				xtype : 'numbercolumn',
    				format : '0',
    				dataIndex : 'D1ITEMNBR',
    				align : 'center',
    				menuDisabled : true,
    				editor : {
    					xtype : 'numberfield',
    					hideTrigger : true,
                                            keyNavEnabled: false,
    					selectOnFocus : true,
    					maxLength: 9,
    					enforceMaxLength: true
    				header : 'Item'
    			}, {
    				xtype : 'numbercolumn',
    				format : '0',
    				dataIndex : 'D1LOTCDDAT',
    				name: 'D1LOTCDDAT',
    				align : 'center',
    				menuDisabled : true,
    				text : 'Lot Code'
    			}, {
    				xtype : 'numbercolumn',
    				format : '0',
    				dataIndex : 'D1CASES',
    				align : 'center',
    				menuDisabled : true,
    				editor : {
    					xtype : 'numberfield',
    					hideTrigger : true,
                                            keyNavEnabled: false,
    					selectOnFocus : true,
    					maxLength: 7,
    					enforceMaxLength: true,
    					minValue: 0
    				text : 'Cases'
    			}, {
    				xtype : 'gridcolumn',
    				dataIndex : 'D1CASEUPC',
    				align : 'center',
    				menuDisabled : true,
    				text : 'Case UPC'
    			}, {
    				xtype : 'numbercolumn',
    				format : '0',
    				dataIndex : 'D1SBC',
    				align : 'center',
    				menuDisabled : true,
    				text : 'Units Per Case'
    			}, {
    				xtype : 'numbercolumn',
    				format : '0',
    				dataIndex : 'D1ITCNT',
    				align : 'center',
    				menuDisabled : true,
    				text : 'Cases Per<br />Warehouse Box'
    			viewConfig : {
    				markDirty : false
    			plugins : [Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
    				clicksToEdit : 1,
    				autoCancel : false,
    				pluginId : 'rowediting'
    			dockedItems : [{
    				xtype : 'toolbar',
    				dock : 'top',
    				items : [{
    					xtype : 'button',
    					disabled : true,
    					iconCls : 'add',
    					text : 'Add',
    					itemId : 'btnAddItem'
    				}, {
    					xtype : 'tbspacer'
    				}, {
    					xtype : 'tbseparator'
    On the grid I am listening for events edit, canceledit, itemcontextmenu, and selectionchange.
        init: function (application) {
            var me = this;
                'itemcountgrid toolbar #btnAddItem': {
                    click: me.onClickAddItem
                'gridcontextmenu #menuItemClear': {
                    click: me.onClickMenuItemClear
                'itemcountgrid': {
                    edit: function (editor, e, eOpts) {
                        console.log('edit fired');
                        var record = e.record,
                            status = e.record.get('D1STATUS'),
                            rowIndex = e.rowIdx,
                            store = e.store,
                            itemCountGrid = e.grid,
                            originalValues = e.originalValues,
                            itemNumber = e.record.get('D1ITEMNBR');
                        if (status === 'Add') {
                            if (!itemNumber || itemNumber === 0) {
                                me.onCancelItemEdit(editor, e, eOpts);
                            } else {
                                me.onAfterItemEditAdd(record, rowIndex, store, itemCountGrid, originalValues);
                        } else {
                            me.onAfterItemEditUpdate(record, rowIndex, store, itemCountGrid, originalValues);
                    canceledit: me.onCancelItemEdit,
                    itemcontextmenu: me.showGridContextMenu,
                    selectionchange: me.onGridSelectionChange
    When selectionchange fires, I am executing the following code.
        onGridSelectionChange: function(model, data, eOpts) {
            console.log('grid selection change fired');
            var me = this,
                store = model.store,
                record = store.getAt(0),
                itemNumber = "",
                status = data[0].get('D1STATUS'),
                itemCountGrid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('itemcountgrid')[0];
            if (status === 'Update') {
                if (!Ext.isEmpty(record)) {
                    itemNumber = record.get('D1ITEMNBR');
                    if (itemNumber === "") {
    The line "store.removeAt(0);" is causing the canceledit event to fire, I want to remove or disable this event from firing. I've spent several hours researching how to code this and cannot come up with a resolution. Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Hmmm, if you are in an edit, and change to another row, that would also cause the canceledit to fire for the previous row. Are you sure the timing indicates that is not the case?

    I have other ideas or questions, but can you explain what you want to happen on the selectionchange event?

    It looks like you want it to sometimes remove the first record of the store? Why do you want this?

    Again, please share more about what you are trying to do.

