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[ANSWERED] Valence 5 - Environment Name

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  • [ANSWERED] Valence 5 - Environment Name

    Valence 3.2 displayed the Environment name in the top header. That was convenient to have that particularly when a user sent a problem screenshot, you always knew what environment they were running.

    It would be nice if Valence 5 had that also.

    - JP
    Last edited by sean.lanktree; 08-16-2019, 04:26 PM.

  • #2
    Wanted to mention that this functionality can be accomplished with the "Hook.js" (under resources/desktop) by adding code for the "componentrender" event. Something as follows should work:

    componentrender : function(cmp){
        if (cmp.xtype === 'controlbar'){
    Then, at the end of the constructor, add the onRenderControlbar method

    onRenderControlbar : function(cmp){
        cmp.insert(1,{               // position 1 will insert it just before the logo
            xtype : 'tbtext',
            text  : Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment()


    • #3
      Thanks Sean. That looks really really nice.

      Where would the code go to update the description when the environment changes?


      • #4
        Oh yeah, didn't think about that part. OK, let's modify the original code a bit and add an "itemId" to our "tbtext" component:

        onRenderControlbar : function(cmp){
            cmp.insert(1,{                                // position 1 will insert it just before the logo
                xtype : 'tbtext',
                text   : Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment(),
                itemId : 'environment_name'
        Next, back to the componentrender event...

        componentrender : function (cmp) {
            if (cmp.xtype === 'controlbar'){
                    scope     : me,
                    environmentset : me.onEnvironmentSet
        Last, add new "onEnvironmentSet" method after anywhere after the constructor in the Hook:

        onEnvironmentSet : function(){
            var controlBar = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('controlbar')[0],
                  envName  = Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment();
            if (controlBar){
        Last edited by sean.lanktree; 05-26-2017, 09:49 AM. Reason: Original code was wrong.


        • #5
          I modified the original answer above to be corrected. Should be good to go now.


          • #6
            That didn't solve the problem with the error on Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment()

            Thanks for trying.


            • #7
              Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment() was failing to resolve during the environmentset on login.

              I changed it to a setTimeout, and that delay was enough to make the environment name readable.

                environmentset       : function (user, env) {
                        setTimeout( "onEnvironmentSet(Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment())", 100);                    
              Your onEnvironmentSet Function needs to move outside the Ext.define:

              onEnvironmentSet = function(envName){
                  var controlBar = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('controlbar')[0];
                  if (controlBar){
              Last edited by JPinTO; 06-16-2017, 11:16 AM.


              • #8
                It would be nice if hook.js had a afterenvironmentset event.

                The timing of an after event would probably mitigate for this.


                • #9
                  Here is an update that reflects the latest version of Valence and the hook. It doesn't have the original timing issue when the environment changes.

                   * @class Valence.Hook
                   * @singleton
                   This class is used to 'Hook' into the Valence Portal to override and customize the look, functionality
                   and features of the Desktop Portal. A special javascript file called `Hook.js`, located
                   in the IFS under each instance directory resources/desktop, is
                   referenced by the Valence Portal when starting the Portal.  By using the listeners and
                   configuration settings in Hook.js you can customize your portal and still have the flexibility to apply
                   updates and releases of Valence.
                  Ext.define('Valence.Hook', {
                      singleton              : true,
                       * @cfg {Object} portalSettingOverrides
                       * Override portal settings
                      portalSettingOverrides : {
                       * @cfg {Object} ui
                       * Change the look/feel of the portal
                      ui : {
                           * @cfg {Object} loginLogoUrl
                           * Change the image used for the Portal login. One may be specified for each theme or the "default" will be used for all.
                           * Same image used for all themes:
                           * ##Example
                           *      loginLogoUrl : {
                           *          "default" : "path_to_my_company_image.png",
                           *          "dracula" : null,
                           *          "metal"   : null
                           *      }
                           * Different image for each theme:
                           * ##Example
                           *      loginLogoUrl : {
                           *          "default" : "path_to_my_company_image.png",
                           *          "dracula" : "path_to_another_image.png",
                           *          "metal"   : "yet_another_path.png"
                           *      }
                          loginLogoUrl : {
                              "default" : null,
                              "dracula" : null,
                              "metal"   : null
                           * @cfg {Object} portalLogoUrl
                           * Change the image used for the Portal control bar.  Same rules apply as loginLogoUrl above.
                           * Same image used for all themes:
                           * ##Example
                           *      portalLogoUrl : {
                           *          "default" : "path_to_my_company_image.png",
                           *          "dracula" : null,
                           *          "metal"   : null
                           *      }
                           * Different image for each theme:
                           * ##Example
                           *      portalLogoUrl : {
                           *          "default" : "path_to_my_company_image.png",
                           *          "dracula" : "path_to_another_image.png",
                           *          "metal"   : "yet_another_path.png"
                           *      }
                          portalLogoUrl : {
                              "default" : null,
                              "dracula" : null,
                              "metal"   : null
                           * @cfg {Object} lockLogoUrl
                           * Change the image used for the Portal lock window.  Same rules apply as loginLogoUrl above.
                           * Same image used for all themes:
                           * ##Example
                           *      lockLogoUrl : {
                           *          "default" : "path_to_my_company_image.png",
                           *          "dracula" : null,
                           *          "metal"   : null
                           *      }
                           * Different image for each theme:
                           * ##Example
                           *      lockLogoUrl : {
                           *          "default" : "path_to_my_company_image.png",
                           *          "dracula" : "path_to_another_image.png",
                           *          "metal"   : "yet_another_path.png"
                           *      }
                          lockLogoUrl : {
                              "default" : null,
                              "dracula" : null,
                              "metal"   : null
                           * @cfg {Object} footer
                           * Add footer items here. If the footer object is not empty, Valence will apply the footer as a
                           * config to a container.
                           * ##Example
                           *      footer : {
                           *          layout : {
                           *              type : 'hbox'
                           *          },
                           *          cls    : 'my-footer', // css could be provided at resources/themes/css/Portal/overrides.css
                           *          items  : [{
                           *              xtype : 'component',
                           *              html  : 'My Company Name',
                           *              cls   : 'my-footer-text' // custom styling for the text
                           *          },{
                           *              xtype : 'tbfill' // push remaining items towards the end
                           *          },{
                           *              xtype : 'component',
                           *              html  : '<a href="http://www.mycompany.com" target="_blank">Company Website</a>'
                           *          }]
                           *      }
                          footer : {}
                       * @ignore
                      constructor            : function () {
                          var me  = this,
                              ns  = Valence.login.Processor.getNamespace(),
                              app = (typeof window[ns].getApplication === 'function') ? window[ns].getApplication() : null;
                          if (app){
                                  scope                : me,
                                   * @event activateapp
                                   * Fired when an application is activated in the portal.
                                   * @param {Object} app - application record
                                  activateapp          : function(app){
                                   * @event afterautostart
                                   * Fired after auto start is completed.
                                   * @param {Array} apps - Array of applications that were automatically started.
                                  afterautostart       : function(apps){
                                   * @event appsloaded
                                   * Fired after the "Apps" store has been loaded
                                   * @param {Ext.data.Store} appStore - Store containing the users available applications.
                                  appsloaded           : function(appStore){
                                   * @event beforeactivateapp
                                   * Fired before an application is activated in the portal. return false to prevent the app from
                                   * activating.
                                   * @param {Object} app - application record
                                  beforeactivateapp    : function(app){
                                   * @event beforeautostart
                                   * Fired before auto starting the applications. return false to prevent autostart apps from launching
                                  beforeautostart      : function(){
                                   * @event beforechangepassword
                                   * Fired before the call is made to change the password. return false to prevent call
                                   * @param {Object} params - parameters that will be passed to the backend to to change the password.
                                  beforechangepassword : function(params){
                                   * @event beforecloseapp
                                   * Fired before an application is closed. return false to prevent closing the application
                                   * @param {Object} app - application record
                                  beforecloseapp       : function (app) {
                                   * @event beforeenvironmentset
                                   * Fired before the environment is set. return false to prevent setting of environment
                                   * @param {String} user The user id
                                   * @param {Number} env The Environments id
                                  beforeenvironmentset : function (user, env) {
                                   * @event beforelaunchapp
                                   * Fired before an application is launched. return false to prevent the app from launching
                                   * @param {Object} app - application record
                                  beforelaunchapp      : function(app){
                                   * @event beforelock
                                   * Fired before the portal locks. return false to prevent the lock attempt
                                  beforelock           : function(){
                                   * @event beforelogin
                                   * Fired whenever a user successfully enters a user and password on Login. return false to prevent
                                   * login attempt
                                   * @param {Object} loginparams The params to be sent to the back end server.
                                   * - `user` the user
                                   * - `password` password on login
                                   * - `display`  the display type. set to 'desktop' or 'touch'
                                   * - `version` the Valence.version
                                   * - `lng` the language id
                                  beforelogin          : function (params) {
                                   * @event beforelogout
                                   * Fired whenever the user requests to logout. return false to prevent logout
                                   * @param {String} user User id
                                   * @param {Object} params The params to be sent to the back end server.
                                  beforelogout         : function (user,params) {
                                   * @event beforepoll
                                   * Fired before a poll is about to occur. The Portal maintains the state of the connection by
                                   * periodically sending a request - a 'poll' to the server.
                                   * @param {Object} params The params to be sent to the back end server.
                                  beforepoll           : function (params) {
                                   * @event beforesendpassword
                                   * Fired before send password is called. return false to prevent call to sendpassword
                                   * @param {Object} params The params to be sent to the back end server.
                                  beforesendpassword   : function(params){
                                   * @event beforeshowappcircles
                                   * Fired before showing app circles. return false to prevent showing
                                   * @param {Array} apps Apps that will be displayed
                                  beforeshowappcircles : function (apps) {
                                   * @event beforeshowchangepassword
                                   * Fired before showing the change password dialog. return false to prevent showing
                                  beforeshowchangepassword : function(){
                                   * @event beforeusersettings
                                   * Fired before showing the user settings section. return false to prevent showing the user settings
                                   * @param {Ext.dom.Element} el - the user initials element that was clicked to show the user settings
                                  beforeusersettings : function(el){
                                   * @event closeapp
                                   * Fired after an application is closed.
                                   * @param {Object} app - application record
                                  closeapp             : function (app) {
                                   * @event componentrender
                                   * As top level components of the Portal are created, rendered (such as the login window, portal
                                   * toolbar, etc.), the componentrender event is fired, passing in the component object. You can
                                   * use this listener to alter any elements of the passed object prior to display, such as (for
                                   * example) a title property or color attribute.
                                   * Typically youd begin by having your code interrogate the component object to see what type of
                                   * component it is (hint: console.log(cmp); is a good start).
                                   * @param {Object} cmp The component that was rendered
                                  componentrender      : function (cmp) {
                                      // if this is the controlbar lets call our method that adds the environment to it
                                      if (cmp.xtype === 'controlbar'){
                                   * @event environmentset
                                   * Fired after the environment is set.
                                   * @param {String} user User id
                                   * @param {Number} env Environment id
                                  environmentset       : function (user, env) {
                                      // set the environment 
                                      var controlBar = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('controlbar')[0],
                                            envName  = Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment();
                                      if (controlBar){
                                   * @event launchapp
                                   * Fired after an application is launched
                                   * @param {Object} app - application record
                                  launchapp            : function (app) {
                                   * @event lock
                                   * Fired after the portal has been locked
                                  lock                 : function () {
                                   * @event login
                                   * Fired after the user is successfully logged in.
                                   * @param {String} user User id
                                   * @param {String} sid Session id
                                  login                : function (user, sid) {
                                   * @event loginfailure
                                   * Fired if a login attempt fails.
                                   * @param {Object} params Parameters sent to the backend login program
                                   * @param {Object} response Response object from the backend login program
                                  loginfailure         : function (parms,response) {
                                   * @event loggedout
                                   * Fired after the user logs out
                                   * @param {String} user User id
                                  loggedout            : function (user) {
                                   * @event passwordchanged
                                   * Fired after the user password was changed
                                   * @param {String} user User id
                                   * @param {String} pwd Password
                                  passwordchanged      : function(user,pwd){
                                   * @event poll
                                   * Fired after the poll request is handled
                                   * @param {Object} rsp Response object from the backend
                                  poll                 : function (rsp) {
                                   * @event portalsearchshow
                                   * Fired when showing the search field
                                   * @param {Ext.form.field.ComboBox} searchField Search field component
                                  portalsearchshow     : function(searchField){
                                   * @event settingsapplied
                                   * @ignore
                                   * Fired when the portal has applied all the settings. Check for `portalSettingOverrides` and apply
                                   * them.
                                  settingsapplied      : function () {
                                      var me = this,
                                      for (var i in me.portalSettingOverrides){
                                          fnc = 'set' + Ext.util.Format.capitalize(i);
                                          if (typeof Valence.login.config.Settings[fnc] === 'function'){
                                          } else {
                                              Valence.login.config.Settings[i] = me.portalSettingOverrides[i];
                      onRenderControlbar : function(cmp) {
                          // add the current environment to the valence heading just before the logo
                          cmp.insert(1, {
                              xtype  : 'tbtext',
                              text   : Valence.util.Helper.getEnvironment(),
                              itemId : 'environment_name'


                  • #10
                    This works like a charm!


                    • #11
                      Thanks Johnny for provided a 5.2 update for this issue.

                      As a synopsis of the changes required to valence-5.2/resources/desktop/hook.js:

                      1. Modify componentrender event
                      2. Modify environmentset event
                      3. Add onRenderControlbar function

                      To move the envirornment name after the favorite apps asterisk icon:

                      Change to


