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Passing data from the i to a CheckBoxGroup

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  • Passing data from the i to a CheckBoxGroup

    In this function I am loading data from the i into various form panels, this is done in the poOrderHeaderStore.load() callback function (blue font). Loading the data to the form panel takes place at the getForm().loadRecord() method (red font).
    onItemDblClickUpdateVendorTabForm: function(selection, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
    		 * declare variables 
            var me = this,
    		    poPanel = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('pomaintpanel')[0],
    		    poMaintDetailGrid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('pomaintdetailgrid')[0],
    		    supplierNumber = record.get('D1VEVEND'),
                plantNumber = record.get('D1VASTYP'),
    		    poOrderHeaderStore = me.getStore('POOrderHeaders'),
    		    poOrderDetailStore = me.getStore('POOrderDetails'),
    		    poNumber = '',
    		    poUniqueIDNumber = '',
    		    supplierName = '',
                titleData = '',
                gridRec = '',
    		    recordCount = 0,
    		    daysDiff = 0;
    		 * set up parameters for the next back end call 
    		poOrderHeaderStore.getProxy().extraParams = {
    			pgm: 'PUR0060NP1',
    			action: 'newPO',
    			supplierNumber: supplierNumber,
                plantNumber: plantNumber
    		 * load the new PO data into the po order header store 
    			scope: me,
    			callback: function(records, operation, success) {
    				 * test if records were passed back from the IBM i 
    				if (!Ext.isEmpty(records)) {
    					 * calculate the days difference between the order date and the expected receipt date
    					 * the dates are coming from the back end as USA strings 01/01/2001
    					 * fnParseDate converts them into a javascript date type 
    					 * fnDayDiff returns the number of days between the two dates
    					daysDiff = me.fnDaysDiff(me.fnParseDate(records[0].get('ORDERDATE')), this.fnParseDate(records[0].get('EXPRCTDATE')));
    					 * store the days difference in a runtime config for later use
    					 * get the PO unique id number from the first record passed in  
    					poUniqueIDNumber = records[0].get('UNIQUEID');
    					 * store the PO unique id number in a runtime config for later use 
    					 * get the PO number from the first record passed in  
    					poNumber = records[0].get('PONUMBER');
    					 * store the PO number in a runtime config for later use 
    					 * get the vendor/supplier number from the first record passed in  
    					supplierNumber = records[0].get('SUPLRNBR');
    					 * store the vendor/supplier number in a runtime config for later use 
    					 * get the vendor/supplier name from the first record passed in  
    					supplierName = records[0].get('SUPLRNAME');
                        titleData = records[0].get('TITLEDATA');
    					 * set the panel title 
                        poPanel.setTitle('Purchase Order ' + poNumber + ' for ' + titleData);
    					 * set the 2nd tab panel as the default 
    					 * load the fields in the form from the first record passed in 
    					 * reset the display fields in the summary form 
    					// poPanel.down('pomaintdetailsummaryform').getForm().reset();
    					 * set up the parameters for the next back end call 
    					poOrderDetailStore.getProxy().extraParams = {
    						pgm: 'PUR0060NP2',
    						action: 'newPO',
    						pouniqueidnumber: poUniqueIDNumber
    					 * load the PO detail store 
    						scope: me,
    						callback: function(records, operation, success) {
    							 * test if records were passed back from the IBM i 
    							if (!Ext.isEmpty(records)) {
    								// this.calculateSummaryFromStore();
    								 * get the record of the first grid row 
    								gridRec = poMaintDetailGrid.store.getAt(0);
    								 * get the store record count to control the next and previous item buttons 
    								recordCount = poMaintDetailGrid.store.count();
    								 * store the record count in the runtime config for later use 
    								 * highlight/select the first item grid row 
    								 * call function to populate the item detail form 
    					 * set the mode in the runtime config for later use 
    					 * hide or show tool bar 
    				} else {}
    		 * hide the vendor selection window 
    Here is the form panel I am working with.
    Ext.define('WorkWithPOs.view.pomaint.POMaintOrderForm', {
        extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
    	alias: 'widget.pomaintorderform',
        requires: ['WorkWithPOs.view.pomaint.POMaintOrderFormBlanketPOFieldSet', 'WorkWithPOs.view.pomaint.POMaintOrderFormBlanketPOFieldSet1'],
        // bodyPadding: 10,
    	header: false,
    	border: false,
    	// overflowY: 'auto',
    	// autoScroll: true,
    	initComponent: function() {
    		var me = this;
    		Ext.applyIf(me, {
    			defaults: {
    				width: 750,
    				margin: '5 0 0 5',
    				labelWidth: 150,
    				hideEmptyLabel: false
    			items: [{
    				xtype: 'textfield',
    				fieldLabel: 'Requester',
    				name: 'RQSTDBY',
    				width: 425
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'datefield',
    				fieldLabel: 'Date Ordered',
    				name: 'ORDERDATE',
    				itemId: 'orderDate',
    				width: 275
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'datefield',
    				fieldLabel: 'Shipment To Arrive',
    				name: 'EXPRCTDATE',
    				width: 275
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'combobox',
    				fieldLabel: 'Receiving Whs',
    				editable: false,
    				store: 'RcvngWhs',
    				valueField: 'VVVALUE',
    				value: '20-0',
    				displayField: 'VVREC',
    				name: 'RCVNGWHS',
    				itemId: 'rcvngWhs',
    				width: 425
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'combobox',
    				fieldLabel: 'F.O.B.',
    				editable: false,
    				// store: 'FOB',
    				queryMode: 'local',
    				store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
    					fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC'],
    					data: [
    						['DELIV', 'Delivered'],
    						['PCKUP', 'Pick Up']
    					] // data is local
    				valueField: 'VVVALUE',
    				value: 'DELIV',
    				displayField: 'VVREC',
    				name: 'FOB',
    				itemId: 'fob',
    				width: 275
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'combobox',
    				fieldLabel: 'Routing',
    				editable: false,
    				// store: 'ShipVia',
    				queryMode: 'local',
    				store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
    					fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC'],
    					data: [
    						['TRUCK', 'Truck'],
    						['UPS', 'United Parcel Service'],
    						['FEDEX', 'Federal Express']
    					] // data is local
    				valueField: 'VVVALUE',
    				value: 'TRUCK',
    				displayField: 'VVREC',
    				name: 'SHIPVIA',
    				width: 275
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'combobox',
    				fieldLabel: 'Terms',
    				editable: false,
    				// store: 'Terms',
    				queryMode: 'local',
    				store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
    					fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC'],
    					data: [
    						['N/A', 'Not Applicable'],
    						['NET15', 'Net 15 Days'],
    						['NET20', 'Net 20 Days'],
    						['NET30', 'Net 30 Days'],
    						['3%10D', '3% 10 Days']
    					] // data is local
    				valueField: 'VVVALUE',
    				value: 'N/A',
    				displayField: 'VVREC',
    				name: 'TERMS',
    				width: 275
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'combobox',
    				fieldLabel: 'Account Number',
    				editable: false,
    				// store: 'GLAcct',
    				queryMode: 'local',
    				store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
    					fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC'],
    					data: [
    						['ACCT1', '20-1060-00'],
    						['ACCT2', '20-6000-43']
    					] // data is local
    				valueField: 'VVVALUE',
    				value: 'ACCT1',
    				displayField: 'VVREC',
    				name: 'GLACCTCODE',
    				width: 275
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'checkboxfield',
    				fieldLabel: 'Blanket PO ?',
    				name: 'BLANKETPO',
                    itemId: 'blanketPO'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'pomaintorderformblanketpofieldset',
                    hidden: true
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'pomaintorderformblanketpofieldset1',
    				hidden: true
    I have added 2 FieldSets to this form (requires array), the following is the code for the FieldSets.
    Ext.define('WorkWithPOs.view.pomaint.POMaintOrderFormBlanketPOFieldSet', {
        extend: 'Ext.form.FieldSet',
    	alias: 'widget.pomaintorderformblanketpofieldset',
    	title: 'Scheduled Release',
    	height: 250,
    	layout: 'anchor',
    	initComponent: function() {
    		var me = this;
    		Ext.applyIf(me, {
    			defaults: {
    				anchor: '100%'
    			items: [{
    				xtype: 'numberfield',
    				fieldLabel: '% Release Amount',
    				labelWidth: 115,
    				name: 'RLSAMOUNT',
    				itemId: 'rlsAmount',
    				anchor: '25%',
    				minValue: 0,
    				maxValue: 100,
    				hideTrigger: true,
    				keyNavEnabled: false,
    				mouseWheelEnabled: false,
    				maxLength: 5,
    				enforceMaxLength: true
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'radiogroup',
                    itemId: 'frequency',
    				fieldLabel: 'Frequency',
    				labelWidth: 115,
    				layout: {
    					autoFlex: false
    				defaults: {
    					name: 'FREQUENCY',
    					margin: '0 15 0 0'
    				items: [{
    					inputValue: 'weekly',
    					boxLabel: 'Weekly',
                        itemId: 'frequencyWeekly'
    					// checked: true
    				}, {
    					inputValue: 'biweekly',
                        itemId: 'frequencyBiweekly',
    					boxLabel: 'Biweekly'
    				}, {
    					inputValue: 'monthly',
                        itemId: 'frequencyMonthly',
    					boxLabel: 'Monthly'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
    				width: 300,
    				itemId: 'scheduleDay',
    				fieldLabel: 'Schedule Day',
    				labelWidth: 115,
    				columns: 9,
    				defaults: {
    					name: 'SCHEDDAY',
    					margin: '0 15 0 0'
    				items: [{
    					boxLabel: 'Mon',
    					inputValue: 'mon'
    				}, {
    					boxLabel: 'Tue',
    					inputValue: 'tue'
    				}, {
    					boxLabel: 'Wed',
    					inputValue: 'wed'
    				}, {
    					boxLabel: 'Thu',
    					inputValue: 'thu'
    				}, {
    					boxLabel: 'Fri',
    					inputValue: 'fri'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 2
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'combobox',
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					fieldLabel: 'Schedule Date',
    					queryMode: 'local',
    					store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
    						fields: ['VVVALUE', 'VVREC'],
    						data: [
    							['1', 'Week 1'],
    							['2', 'Week 2'],
    							['3', 'Week 3'],
    							['4', 'Week 4']
    						] // data is local
    					valueField: 'VVVALUE',
    					// value: '1',
    					displayField: 'VVREC',
    					name: 'SCHEDWEEK',
    					itemId: 'scheduleWeek',
    					editable: false,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					width: 220
    					// anchor: '25%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'radiogroup',
    					width: 300,
    					itemId: 'scheduleMonthDay',
    					defaults: {
    						name: 'SCHEDMTHDY',
    						margin: '0 15 0 0'
    					items: [{
    						inputValue: 'mon',
    						boxLabel: 'Mon'
    					}, {
    						inputValue: 'tue',
    						boxLabel: 'Tue'
    					}, {
    						inputValue: 'wed',
    						boxLabel: 'Wed'
    					}, {
    						inputValue: 'thu',
    						boxLabel: 'Thu'
    					}, {
    						inputValue: 'fri',
    						boxLabel: 'Fri'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					fieldLabel: 'Omit Dates',
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					name: 'OMITDATE00',
    					width: 220,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE01',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE02',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// fieldLabel: 'Omit Dates',
    					name: 'OMITDATE03',
    					width: 220,
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					// anchor: '32%'
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE04',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE05',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// fieldLabel: 'Omit Dates',
    					name: 'OMITDATE06',
    					width: 220,
    					hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE07',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE08',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// fieldLabel: 'Omit Dates',
    					name: 'OMITDATE09',
    					width: 220,
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					margin: '0 15 0 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE10',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 0 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'OMITDATE11',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 0 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    					// anchor: '32%'
    Ext.define('WorkWithPOs.view.pomaint.POMaintOrderFormBlanketPOFieldSet1', {
        extend: 'Ext.form.FieldSet',
    	alias: 'widget.pomaintorderformblanketpofieldset1',
    	// xtype: 'fieldset',
    	title: 'Dates Release',
    	width: 725,
    	height: 200,
    	layout: 'anchor',
    	initComponent: function() {
    		var me = this;
    		Ext.applyIf(me, {
    			defaults: {
    				anchor: '100%'
    			items: [{
    				xtype: 'numberfield',
    				fieldLabel: '% Release Amount',
    				labelWidth: 115,
    				name: 'RLSAMOUNT1',
    				itemId: 'rlsAmount1',
    				anchor: '25%',
    				minValue: 0,
    				maxValue: 100,
    				hideTrigger: true,
    				keyNavEnabled: false,
    				mouseWheelEnabled: false,
    				maxLength: 5,
    				enforceMaxLength: true
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					fieldLabel: 'Schedule Dates',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT00',
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					width: 220,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT01',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT02',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0',
    					disabledDays: [0,6],
    					minValue: new Date()
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// fieldLabel: 'Schedule Dates',
    					hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT03',
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					width: 220,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT04',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT05',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// fieldLabel: 'Schedule Dates',
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT06',
    					width: 220,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT07',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT08',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    			}, {
    				xtype: 'container',
    				layout: {
    					type: 'table',
    					columns: 3
    				items: [{
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					// fieldLabel: 'Schedule Dates',
    					labelWidth: 115,
    					hideEmptyLabel: false,
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT09',
    					width: 220,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT10',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    				}, {
    					xtype: 'datefield',
    					name: 'SCHEDDAT11',
    					width: 100,
    					margin: '0 15 5 0'
    In the first FieldSet I have a CheckBoxGroup (red font), when I do a getValues() on the form, SCHEDDAY is an array (SCHEDDAY: Array[5] 0: "mon" 1: "tue" 2: "wed" 3: "thu" 4: "fri" length: 5). How do I define the CheckBoxGroup array in my RPG program? I'm thinking I will have to build the JSON array and embed it with the vvOut_toJSON. Thank you for your assistance in advance.

  • #2
    I think the easiest thing to do is to just include whatever values you need to as standard fields in the response to poOrderHeaderStore.load() for the checkboxgroup. After you do the loadRecord on the form just do your records[0].get('whatever_field_name') to learn the values you need for the checkbox group and set them manually.


    • #3
      Here is what I came up.

      In the RPG code I sent the array to the front end in vvOut.embed, here is the code.
             // send data to the front end to be displayed in the grid
             vvOut.embed = BuildEmbeddedJSON(post_POUniqueIDNumber);
             vvOut.object = 'PUP0080DS8';
             vvOut.rootName = 'PUP0080DS8';
             vvOut.encodeUTF16 = 'Y';
             vvOut.success = 'Y';
             vvOut_toJSON(vvOut:%addr(poRec)) ;
             *InLR = True ;
             Dcl-Proc BuildEmbeddedJSON;
               Dcl-PI *N VarChar(4096);
                 POUniqueIDNumberIn Packed(15) Const;
               Dcl-S EmbedJSON VarChar(4096);
               EmbedJSON += DQ + 'SCHEDDAY' + DQ + Colon + '[';
               If %Subst(R1SchdDays:1:3) <> *Blanks;
                 EmbedJSON += DQ + %Subst(R1SchdDays:1:3) + DQ;
               If %Subst(R1SchdDays:4:3) <> *Blanks;
                 EmbedJSON += Comma + DQ + %Subst(R1SchdDays:4:3) + DQ;
               If %Subst(R1SchdDays:7:3) <> *Blanks;
                 EmbedJSON += Comma + DQ + %Subst(R1SchdDays:7:3) + DQ;
               If %Subst(R1SchdDays:10:3) <> *Blanks;
                 EmbedJSON += Comma + DQ + %Subst(R1SchdDays:10:3) + DQ;
               If %Subst(R1SchdDays:13:3) <> *Blanks;
                 EmbedJSON += Comma + DQ + %Subst(R1SchdDays:13:3) + DQ;
               EmbedJSON += ']';
               Return EmbedJSON;
             End-Proc BuildEmbeddedJSON;
      Here is the response to the front end, SCHEDDAY is the array for the check box group, PUP0080DS8 is the DS for the data from tables.
      Here is the code that populates the form and check box group.
      										poOrderHeaderStore.getProxy().extraParams = {
      											pgm: 'PUR0060EP1',
      											action: 'editPO',
      											pouniqueidnumber: POUniqueIdNumber
      										 * load the new PO data into the po order header store
      											scope: this,
      											callback: function(records, operation, success) {
      												 * test if records were passed back from the IBM i
      												if (!Ext.isEmpty(records)) {
      													 * put the decoded JSON into a variable
      													var data = Ext.decode(operation.response.responseText);
      													 * load the callback record into the form
      													 * load the check box group with values from the SCHEDDAY array

